Issues for the Online Environment

Here are two articles you might enjoy reading if you are interested in the online environment!

Why Online Anonymity is an Illusion


Court says ISPs can’t be Forced to Monitor Illegal Downloads

These articles provide many discussion points: whether anonymity online should be allowed and how it is problematic for defamation, and whether ISPs should block their users from downloading songs illegally.

The rights and behaviours of users, content providers,  ISPs to name a few are not so clear cut. The online environment is still emerging so it will be interesting to see where the future takes us.

So have a read and leave me your thoughts and opinions on what are very interesting subject matters when it comes to the Internet.


About the Author

Anna Cairo
Anna Cairo is the founder and Director of Anna Cairo Consulting, a boutique communications consultancy with its core focus on the disruptive social media and communication space. She has a passion for educating businesses, executives and leaders about the fragmentation of communication and its impacts on business as well as social media its risks and opportunities in the workplace.

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