
Facebook has been in the news quite a lot lately.  Whether it be ‘tracking cookies claims’ or a story on ‘Facebook’s power’ they seem to be the story of the moment.

There is no doubt that Facebook is a powerful organisation.  It knows a lot about us.  It collects and stores massive amounts of data on the daily interests and behaviour of its users.  Obviously there are concerns with Facebook.  However, the way some people talk about them, you think that they are forcing us to give up our information.  They are not.  It is information that we willingly and easily give up without thinking twice about it.  Whether this is a good or a bad thing is up for debate, although some people think it is negative.

Privacy in the 21st century is being fractured.  Walk along most CBD streets and you will be filmed through CCTV; use an ATM and you leave an electronic footprint; connect to the Internet and you leave another footprint.  Each action creates a link to your electronic profile.  Use your Woolworths Everyday Rewards card when you shop and information on what you buy, when you buy and how much you spend is stored.  No one is up and arms about this information being collected.  Why is this the case?  What is it about Facebook that creates so much negativity and moral panic?

The privacy debate is a complex issue.  However, I must say I am more concerned with organisations that store my personal information that I don’t know about.  With Facebook, at least I have a choice not to participate or control the information I post.


What are your thoughts?

About the Author

Anna Cairo
Anna Cairo is the founder and Director of Anna Cairo Consulting, a boutique communications consultancy with its core focus on the disruptive social media and communication space. She has a passion for educating businesses, executives and leaders about the fragmentation of communication and its impacts on business as well as social media its risks and opportunities in the workplace.

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